Thursday, November 26, 2009

Week 1-Grace's Introduction

Hi everyone,

My name is Grace..I'm 17 years old and now, I'm studying diploma of communication 3rd semester at Insearch. Well, actually I am so addicted with movies because I always watch movie in my spare time and I really enjoy it. Mostly, I like romance and comedy movie such as Legally Blonde and the proposal. Both of this romance comedy movie has become the first box office in their period. I really inspired by the story of Legally Blonde and The Proposal, because it is funny and there is important lesson we can get from both of this movies.

Beside, I also a huge fans of fantasy movies. Harry Potter is the best fantasy movie I have ever watched . I love the special effects and the unique characters from this movie. This movie is really cool and entertaining . Other movie such as Batman begins and star wars has different styles and tastes from Harry Potter, however I still considered both of this movies as one of the best fantasy movies in the history. 

On the other hand, I don't really like horror movie because I found it is boring and not logics. I watched orphan and new horror movie, paranormal activity in the cinema and I think the content of the story from both of this movies is not important and it is just make people freaking scary and screaming all the times .

So that's all my personal opinion about movies . I hope you enjoy this blog and do not hesitate to put any comment in this blog, because that will be great for us to receive any comments to develop our blog ;)

Week 1- Petrelli's Introduction

Hello everyone.
I'm Petrelli. Welcome to our blog. Our group members are Susan, Anita, Grace and me. In our blog, we are going to present informations about different types of movies. And also including the culture influence and different genre of the movies.

In movie theory, there are different understanding of movie genres. such as Action, Drama, Comedy, War, Sci-fi and Documantray.
Personally, i like drama movies such as Crash which is a fantastic example. in this movie, it tell us a story about different groups of people from up-class to the working-class. The film received generally positive reviews with the review tallying website reporting that 145 out of 192 reviews they tallied were positive for a score of 75% and a certification of fresh, while metacritic tallied an average score of 69 out of 100 for Cresh's critical consensus. talking about the horror movies, it is not what i interested in. i don't like horror movies because the sound and the atmosphere.

so, thank you very much and hope you enjoy our blog and give us your idea about different genres of movie. thank you.

Week 1-Introduction #2 ^0^

Hello Everyone! I'm Susan (undertheglory), one of the members of the Film Rants team. Well, I am quite interested in films. I believe that film is an important element in both people's life and in the discussions of some issues in the world and our society. Film makes people think and face to the problems which we always want to run away from. Some poignant films are good examples. The film Crash faces to the racism. The film talks about how people from different races and culture struggle in the multi-culture society. Pursuit for Happiness presents how much a man in the society have to undertake for life. The films are like mirrors of people, life, societies and the world. They shine.

I like fantasy, romantic and some of the historical films. Personally, I like P.S. I Love You and I am really touched by it. The Lord of the Rings is so sublime. Compare with Harry Potter, it has a much greater style. The characters undertake their responsibilities to the countries, families and their people. The specially good effect is just GREAT. Other films such as Seven Pounds, Schindler's List and In the Mood for Love, they give audience different aesthetics feelings during emotional (painful, happy or sacrifice) plots. All of the productions include wonderful music effects.
Please click the links and get some information about these film on their official websites. Enjoy!

Personally, I don't like horro movies. Some of my friends love it so much, but I just don't understand it >_<..... Well...I believe that ghosts are always around people and sometimes some strange things happened. However, why do people direct these films? Is it just for scaring each other? Compare with other kinds of films which are more contributory, I personally think that horro films may are not that necessary.

Okay, those are my basic introduction about my personal opinion and taste about films. Please feel free to post your opinion. It will be great!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Week 1: Introduction

Hey everyone!
Welcome to our blog. Susan, Petrelli, Grace and me (Anita) have decided to do our class blog on films- this means reviews,as well as our opinions on various issues relating to the film industry such as censorship and the cultural impacts of certain genres, and the occasional Top 10 list where we share with you some of our favourite films.

Firstly, a few words about me. My name's Anita, I'm 19, studying Communications and I want to be a journalist when I leave uni because I love to write.
I don't really have a particular genre of films that I like- I enjoy comedy as long as it's actually funny and (somewhat) intelligent, e.g. Little Miss Sunshine, Juno or even Robin Hood:Men in Tights. I love fantasy, in particular the Harry Potter movies, Stardust and anything by Tim Burton. Also love indie movies/ random quirky French movies like Shortbus and Amelie. And of course, I do enjoy the occasional chick flick, as long as it's original and not nauseatingly sentimental *coughNotebookcough* Sorry if I'm betraying my gender here.
I don't usually do too well with horror movies- well, more the gory ones than the psychological ones. I was fine while everyone was freaking out around me when I watched The Ring, but had my head in my sleeping bag for the majority of Saw. And action movies generally bore me unless they contain particularly attractive male leads.

So that's all from me for this week- if you want, you can comment on any posts you find interesting (once everybody else posts theirs, that is) and listen to our podcast (once it's up, anyway-at this stage, we haven't recorded anything yet. Such dedicated students...).