Thursday, November 26, 2009

Week 1-Grace's Introduction

Hi everyone,

My name is Grace..I'm 17 years old and now, I'm studying diploma of communication 3rd semester at Insearch. Well, actually I am so addicted with movies because I always watch movie in my spare time and I really enjoy it. Mostly, I like romance and comedy movie such as Legally Blonde and the proposal. Both of this romance comedy movie has become the first box office in their period. I really inspired by the story of Legally Blonde and The Proposal, because it is funny and there is important lesson we can get from both of this movies.

Beside, I also a huge fans of fantasy movies. Harry Potter is the best fantasy movie I have ever watched . I love the special effects and the unique characters from this movie. This movie is really cool and entertaining . Other movie such as Batman begins and star wars has different styles and tastes from Harry Potter, however I still considered both of this movies as one of the best fantasy movies in the history. 

On the other hand, I don't really like horror movie because I found it is boring and not logics. I watched orphan and new horror movie, paranormal activity in the cinema and I think the content of the story from both of this movies is not important and it is just make people freaking scary and screaming all the times .

So that's all my personal opinion about movies . I hope you enjoy this blog and do not hesitate to put any comment in this blog, because that will be great for us to receive any comments to develop our blog ;)

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