Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Week 1: Introduction

Hey everyone!
Welcome to our blog. Susan, Petrelli, Grace and me (Anita) have decided to do our class blog on films- this means reviews,as well as our opinions on various issues relating to the film industry such as censorship and the cultural impacts of certain genres, and the occasional Top 10 list where we share with you some of our favourite films.

Firstly, a few words about me. My name's Anita, I'm 19, studying Communications and I want to be a journalist when I leave uni because I love to write.
I don't really have a particular genre of films that I like- I enjoy comedy as long as it's actually funny and (somewhat) intelligent, e.g. Little Miss Sunshine, Juno or even Robin Hood:Men in Tights. I love fantasy, in particular the Harry Potter movies, Stardust and anything by Tim Burton. Also love indie movies/ random quirky French movies like Shortbus and Amelie. And of course, I do enjoy the occasional chick flick, as long as it's original and not nauseatingly sentimental *coughNotebookcough* Sorry if I'm betraying my gender here.
I don't usually do too well with horror movies- well, more the gory ones than the psychological ones. I was fine while everyone was freaking out around me when I watched The Ring, but had my head in my sleeping bag for the majority of Saw. And action movies generally bore me unless they contain particularly attractive male leads.

So that's all from me for this week- if you want, you can comment on any posts you find interesting (once everybody else posts theirs, that is) and listen to our podcast (once it's up, anyway-at this stage, we haven't recorded anything yet. Such dedicated students...).

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