Thursday, January 14, 2010

A Short Explanation

Okay, so I lied. I thought I'd better write this last post to clear up any confusion that may occur to those who read this blog. Essentially, our plan was to have a different topic each week for us all to write about- e.g. Week 2 was when we each picked a different film genre to discuss, Week 3 was about get the idea. But us being the lazy, somewhat disorganised students that we are, it didn't quite work out that way. While you will find 4 posts, one from each of us offering slightly different takes on the one topic, these posts aren't always in order and we can't figure out how to re-arrange them. To help out, I have created a tag cloud located in the sidebar. Click on a tag, and all the posts related to that tag will appear on the page.
Happy Browsing!

P.S. New Harry Potter trailer. Watch it. It's amazing.

1 comment:

  1. At least the title can clearly tell what the content is about~~ ;)
