Thursday, January 7, 2010

Week 4 -Petrelli's Top 10 list of favourite films

Number One: Crash (2004)

Crash is a 2004 American drama film, the reason that i like it is the story is so touch inside of your heart. and the story about the race in the American society which giving us a understanding of the situation.

Number Two: Forrest Gump (1994)

i like Forrest Gump not just because i'm a big fan of Tom Hanks but also because the way which this movie chosen to present for the audience. during this movie, we defined a long way which is a meaningful process for his whole life. Family, Friends, Love, career and all those points can make a phenomenon story for us.

Number Three: The fifth element (1997)

Science fiction movies always be the best choose for me, i'm such a big fan of it. imagine that you have a spaceship and a Alien friend can give everything you want and travel around the world. i believe it can be every young boy's dream.

Number Four: Leon (1994)

A hitman whithout cold blood, how he could be. Talking about the director Luc Besson, who is a fantastic director in the world. He directed so many movies such as The Fifth Element, Taken and so on.

Number Five: Taken (2008)

it is a 2008 action thriller film starring Liam Neeson and Maggie Grace based on a script by Luc Besson and Robert Mark Kamen. in this movie, every movement that they take was so exciting for me and let me try to think about what gonna happen next.

Number Six: Titanic (1997)

it is a disaster romantic drama film which presented in 1997. i like this movie because the love between rose and jack was so touching and especially the ending was such a tragedy.

Number Seven: The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (2008)

From a old man grow up to a baby, Benjamin Button learned his life in a perticular way. it is so amazing that you can following him and see what happened in his life.

Number Eight: Man of the year (2006)

he is a host of a comedian and satirical talk show, but accidently he started to stand as a candidate. it id such a great comedy movie. and during this movie, you can learn a litter bit about the process of running a candidate.

Number Nine: Perfume: the story of Murderer( 2006)

The film was a financial success, especially in Europe, earning $135 million worldwide. It was deemed unmarketable for American audiences and released in a very limited number of theaters in North America, taking in a modest $2,223,293.

Number Ten: Fight Club(1999)

Studio executives did not like the film, and they restructured Fincher's intended marketing campaign to try to reduce anticipated losses. Fight Club failed to meet the studio's expectations at the box office, and received polarized reactions from critics. It was cited as one of the most controversial and talked-about films of 1999. The Guardian saw it as an omen for change in American political life, and described its visual style as ground-breaking. The film later found commercial success with its DVD release, which established Fight Club as a cult film.

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