Thursday, December 17, 2009

Week 5-Anita's Top 10 Favourite Films of All Time

So this week we'll be sharing lists of our top ten favourite films of all time, along with a few lines on what exactly makes them so awesome.

1. Love Actually- Quite possibly my favourite movie ever. Ironically, I think all my favourite romantic comedies are British- they're cute, but not throw-up-in-your-mouth cute like American ones. Also, I just love British humour, all quirky and deadpan. Stops things from becoming too nauseating. I like how the movie's not just about romantic love between attractive young people though. There are stories about fathers and sons, brothers and sisters, rock stars and managers...even this one guy who goes to America with the sole purpose of hooking up with random American chicks because English girls don't 'get' him. This is my favourite scene, involving Hugh Grant as the Prime Minister.
2.Shortbus-I'm not really quite sure how to explain this's similar to Love Actually, but set in New York and considerably more sexual. It's not the slightest bit pornographic or gratuitous though, it's fascinating because of the way it shows dysfunctional relationships. The trailer is here if you're interested.
3.Amelie- I love random quirky French movies, I guess. This one in particular because Amelie reminds me a lot of me, and just the way the movie portrayed the world, with everything being slightly surreal, like the pictures talking to each other and the gnome travelling all around the's sort of childlike but in a good way. Not sure if this is the official trailer or not, but it's still quite good.
4.Little Miss Sunshine- Okay, when I get old I seriously want to be the grandpa in this movie- giving kids inappropriate- yet-useful advice that they'd never hear from their parents, and just being awesome in general. It's so dysfunctional, but they all help each other out and really, they probably work a lot better as a family than ones that pretend they're normal. The dance scene at the end is just priceless, though.
5. Moulin Rouge- " The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return." I've always been fascinated by the whole bohemian-writer-in-Paris in the early 20th century thing. This movie is also what inspired me to try absinthe...with somewhat disastrous results. Visually, it's just incredible, and it's all so over-the-top and tragic and romantic and funny at the same time. The remix of 'Come What May' and the video for it is so pretty, so that shall be my link for this movie.
6. The Nightmare Before Christmas- I love anything by Tim Burton, really, but decided to restrict myself to two of his movies for the purpose of this Top 10 list. This movie is just too cute, in the most awesome possible way.The animation is amazing, too- especially in the opening song. I wish David Jones would put a Nightmare Before Christmas nativity scene in one of its windows, just for one year...even if it would traumatise many little kids. 
7. Lolita- The 1997 version directed by Adrian Lyne, with Jeremy Irons as Humbert, who is absolutely perfect for the role, in my opinion. Although the Kubrick version made in the sixties captured the spirit of the book a lot better (twisted, black humour that tends to go over your head the first time you watch it), this movie had actors that were closer to how I pictured the characters in my head and didn't have to worry about the censorship laws like Kubrick did in the 60s.
8. Edward Scissorhands-  Johnny Depp is completely genius in this movie. Even if Winona Ryder as a bubbly cheerleader took some getting used to, they really are adorable together, especially in this scene. It's like a fairytale, but more like the original versions of Cinderella and Snow White with all the attempted murder and chopping off of body parts, as opposed to the super-cute sanitised versions we get told as kids.
9.Robin Hood: Men in Tights- This movie is absolutely hilarious. I don't think I've ever laughed so hard during one movie. Especially love quoting random lines from the movie and getting strange looks from people. Some of my favourites are...' A toll is a toll, and a roll is a roll, and if we don't get no tolls, then we don't eat no rolls' and ' A chastity belt? That's going to chafe my willy!'... just a few of many classic lines. Not to mention the song! Feel free to watch this link then burst out into song in a public place and get weird looks from people.
10. The Lion King-  Really,Disney movies deserve their own separate list on here, because I have so many that I love. This is probably my favourite, though. I've seen the musical twice and I've been able to quote the movie word for word since I was about six. The characters and the people doing their voices are brilliant (particularly Rowan Atkinson as Zazu and Jeremy Irons as Scar...British people rock!) and the scene when Mufasa dies still makes me a bit teary sometimes. However, so as not to be depressing, I decided to link you to the tremendously funny hula scene.

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