Thursday, December 10, 2009

Week 2-Romantic Films Do Not Suit Reality

Personally, I, and I believe many others love the romantic films but based on the reality. However, as we can see in the marked, most of them are not. The romance films are mostly welcomed by females. Nearly everyone who loves to watch these kinds of films and dreams to have such a nice, perfect and prince-like boyfriend, who wishes to do everything for her, even includes sacrifices his life. However, based on the human nature, we have to accept the truth very unfortunately, that THERE ARE NONE.

So, are the films liars? It is a kind of misleading which let more and more people live in the imagination.

Based on Anita’s idea in the previous passage, the Vampire film Twilight and its second section New Moon are examples. I have to say that I went to watch the New Moon and I did not get it. Firstly, the film actually did not give a good script about the plot. It emphases some details which are not really necessary. Jacob, for example, takes of his shirts to wipe Bella’s blood on her head. He stands up suddenly and it seems like the purpose of this plot is to show how many muscles he has on his stomach. Most of audiences in the cinema laughed; the similar example is Edward. He is gloomy and depressed about his life. So that I want to ask: are those the factors to make a good film? Well, I believe one of the main reasons to make this film so popular is the actors and actresses are hunks and beauties.

Secondly, the film is sending questionable idea. I agree with Anita. I doubt that is Edward, who is with deep depressive ideologies, the right and the perfect guy that girls need to look for? I guess, the reason that makes the figure be welcomed is only because of his great and 100% love for Bella. However, this obviously should not be the only or main reason of a girl to be with the guy. Well, this is a mirror of the sad truth that it is hardly to find such a guy in really life. The individualism and selfish in human nature hardly allow people to do so. 

Other films such as the Notebook and PS I Love You have the similar effect to direct females into a kind of romance imagination. To be honest, they are impressive. However, audiences are touched by the unrealistic stories. 

Please check the link which is the ANSWERS from a part of the public about why women love romantic films 

After so many unrealistic, misleading but incredible romantic films, it is easy to find out the stereotypes. A man, who is charming, prince-like and persuaded by nearly all of the females in the suburb, does a presentation to show how much he loves a girl; however, the girl does not like him and always be away from him. Okay, this is unique. Or, the man can do every thing for the girl and even sacrifice life. Or, he will chase the girl in the rain and cry painfully in the rain. Or, when the girl gets married, he will be unexpected but attends to the wedding. Or, like The Notebook, he will wait for her in the rest years of his life, and then they will meet at then end of life and close their eyes forever together. 

Therefore, the influence of the romantic film is big mainly for women. By watching them, women create a high expectation of looking for perfect men to be boyfriends and husbands. It’s time to realise that imagination is imagination. We are living in reality. So that, which means, in my opinion, although films are art productions, they should be logical.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, the confrontation-in-the-rain scene and the crash-the-wedding scene have kinda been done to death. And in Four Weddings and a Funeral, you get both in the one movie! I love that movie though, it's one of my favourites. Chick flicks can either be awesome ( like Love Actually) or irritating (like The Notebook)
