Thursday, December 10, 2009

Week 3-Censorship for Film should be Reconsidered

There are a few countries have put the censorship of internet into process. The Australian Government, however, has announced that they decide to join the group. The censorship aims to protect citizens, especially children and teens away from questionable plots. However, people from another group in the society disagree. They doubt the censorship will be harmful for arts. Some of the artist sort of believe that art should push the  boundaries. Thus the debate is increasing. Each side persists in its own views. In my opinion, it is not a duty or a "only job" for arts to push the boundaries. Arts presents the truth of human nature--both beautiful and ugly sides, as well as expectation. Okay, overall, art is a presentation of human. However, it has the leading power meanwhile. 
People persist in their own views. One side of people strongly argues that the censorship is not necessary because it infringes citizens’ rights of freedom. People argue that censorship infringes the right of freedom speech of citizens. According to an organization called Derechos–human rights (2009), the freedom of speech, which is also known as the freedom of expression, means the freedom to express one’s discontent with the status quo and the desire to change it. Therefore, it is a fundamental rights and human dignity which individual enjoys in the existence of democracy. Based on this supporting definition, people argue that the internet censorship blocks the freedom of speech while it blocks the so-called questionable content. Currently, censorship is not only in arts, but also many other areas such as the internet and the publication. China, one of the few countries which have already put censorship into process has been sometimes beyond the mark. Therefore, as there are lessons drawn from other’s mistakes, it is reasonable for people to worry about these problems, that, will the censorship permeate more and more, then finally full of every aspect of people's life. By censorship, the government could control people's ideas.  “It could, potentially, even censor political material. And that’s where I have a problem” (Riley 2008)Although there are plenty of doubts, there are still many people, including me, believes that censorship is worth to be put into process and again, based on human nature which is impossible to be changed, anywhere should not be lack of limit.  
A few countries have put censorship into process and Australian Government joins this group. In the increasing debate, both sides’ doubt and worriment is reasonable. However, compare the significance of gain and loss between protection and rights of freedom, the impact of the questioned content to people should be put in first place to consider. 


  1. do you think censheship is important?because in my country, when people watching a movie, they don't even talk and think about the rating of this movie, i think that is a big problem.

  2. Agree...the classification is not clear.
    I do believe censorship is important.
    However, firstly, it should has a pure purpose for protecting;

    Secondly, the way should be efficient.
