Thursday, December 17, 2009

Week 4-Film Review: In the Mood for Love

Wang Kar Wai interprets the formal elements of filmmaking in his own way to make his productions be outstanding. He largely uses film techniques such as sound effect, visual design, literary devices, cinematography, montage and editing in his productions. The film In the Mood for Love is a typical example.

It is about a married woman falls in love with a married man in the 1960s’ Hong Kong. The bitter love experience is hopeless and both of the two main characters are struggling.

Wang Kar Wai always uses music to link different scenes in order to let them be more fluent and create atmosphere. Further more, music is also used as a communication tool between characters, characters and audience and linking the plots to tell the stories.2 Two scenes are typical examples. Nearly at the end of the film, Wang Kar Wai cites an old song which is also named In the Mood for Love. The song sings about life is colourful but it is short. The song creates the atmosphere and plaint the love story of the two characters is beautiful but short. It presents the amazing love to audience. The other scene is the “acquaintance” scene. The actions of the characters’ are slowed down when every time they encountered on the stairs. The background music links those scenes to show their relationship develops from strange to familiar. The plots imply that the acquaintance and the love can not be avoided and this is fate.

The visual designs of most of his films are always excellent and contribute to the emotion of the films. If Ashes of Time is seemed like a traditional Chinese painting of the desert, then In the mood for love is a oil paint of a developed city. They both contribute to the mood of loneliness, struggling and depressive atmosphere. In the films, he uses light and shadows to create the atmosphere for plots and characters.3


One scene in In the mood for love is a typical example of showing the characteristics of Wang Kar Wai’s productions which mentioned above. The man tells his lover that he will go abroad and may not come back. By cinematography and acting, the character’s emotion is presented clearly as well. With the film music, the camera focuses on her hands movement in order to present her heartache while he goes farther and farther. Music suddenly stops. Wang uses montage to show that the man comes back. She cries on his shoulder. The man comforts her that it is just a joke. However, the camera turns to focus on the man. Audience can feel that he is serious and he will leave. There is only a little light in the corner. The man walks towards to the darkness. The darkness creates an atmosphere which is depress, unease and unknown. Therefore, audience now can be sure that they are in love and this love is hopeless. Many of the scenes in Ashes of Time can be seen as examples of using light and shadow. The killer is killed and his wife is sad. She stands in the water at night. The water reflects the moon light on her. By using the light and shadows, audience can feel that her sadness is quiet and lonely. It is very oriental.


Wang Kar Wai directs the film follow by the plots of the story but not the time. Time is broken into pieces. Such as Ashes of time, the film presents the killers’ story through the recalling of the characters. The recalling is out of order. Therefore, montage is widely used in his films and these scenes are linked together by monologues.4 However, it does not break the fluency of the film. Contrarily, incidents of the story are emphasized and impress audience. This technique is widely used in Ashes of Time. By the monologues of the owner of the thatching, the stories of his employees, his friends and his own are linked together and audience can feel that “life is fleetness that you cannot tell”. The monologue is always a kind of self-analysis in order to create images of characters and presents the inner of the characters directly. In Ashes of Time, the killer says that “I want to be strong because I do not want others are happier than me”. Therefore, the personalities of the characters are completely presented to audiences.


The monologues and dialogues appear as the form of adage and are estimated highly among audiences. In Ashes of Time, the killer’s friend says, “Although I like her, I do not want her to know. Because I know that the thing is wonderful because you can not get it. I know she is missing someone while she is looking at that child. I am jealous about him. I want to know the feeling of being loved by others. As a result, I hurt many people.”

All of his productions are about one theme which is the communication between people.5 It includes strange and familiar, accept and refuse, pursue and depress and escape to pursue freedom. His unique way of directing films is a development of filmmaking. Although he might not be the whole future of the filmdom, he does point a direction for the development of film.6

Week 5- My Top 10 Favorite Films List

1. UP
 The cartoon which is produced by PIXAR, is about an adventure journey of a boy and an     American old man in South Africa. The film shows friendship and responsibility between the two characters. Themes such as love and kindness are content in, which is really impressive.  
The film is about a scientist invents the Astro Boy after he looses his son. They fight for save human. The film is cartoon. The themes which are content in the film are sacrifice, love and braveness.

The product is directed based on Miyazaki Hayao's cartoon. It is about a Japanese boy seeks survival for his younger sister and himself after the WW2. The film presents the crule environment of Japan after the war. The boy's experience is sad. The themes which are contented in the production are love between brother and sister, braveness, fate and crule truth.
The film is about a married man fall in love with a married woman in the 1960s' HongKong. The production shows the stuggling of the two characters in this relationship, which could not be accept by the comtemporary society. The themes which are contented in this film are love, romance, ethic of marriage, fate, decission and sacrifice.

The film is about stories of five killers who are employed by the owner of a cottage in the desert. The themes which are contented in the film is love, braveness, ecthic of knight-errant, fate, decissions in life, goals and value of life.

The film is about a Ballet dancer's journey in America. He goes to study dancing in America and face a culture and ideology which is completely different with his growing environment. He has to fight for his future,freedom and people who he loves. The themes in the film are romantic love, love between a son and parents, fate, sacrifice and struggles.

The film is about a relationship between a successful business man and a young man who is slow in his wits. They learn from each other. The business learns love from the young man. The themes are relationship, marriage, great love, responsibility and family.

The film is about a man who is engaged but he falls in love with a devoiced woman in America in 19th century. The relationship would never be accepted by the superstructure. The love is painful for both of the man, the devoiced woman and the man's wife. As time goes by, all of them start to understand about the fate and restrain themselves. Theme issues such as family, ethic, love and patient are shown in this film. At the late year of the man, he finally understand that his wife knows all of the story but she keeps quiet about this until she passed away. The film is a lesson for love and an annotation of life.

The cartoon is produced by PIXAR. It is about an advanture journey in the space of robort Wall-e and Eva. Wall-e is the only robort on earth. He meets Eva and falls in love. Wall-e fallows Eva to the universe space to save her, and he also saves the human and bring them back to earth. The film is about love, romance, and braveness. The cute images of the characters are impressive.

The Chinese film is directed by FENG Xiao Gang. The film is about relationship between a man who's back from America and a woman who works at the airline. The man loves her, but the woman is in love with another man who has married. She wants to suiside during the journey with the man whos back from America, the man saves her. The film is about identify true love, kindness, loyalty and responsibility

Week 5-Anita's Top 10 Favourite Films of All Time

So this week we'll be sharing lists of our top ten favourite films of all time, along with a few lines on what exactly makes them so awesome.

1. Love Actually- Quite possibly my favourite movie ever. Ironically, I think all my favourite romantic comedies are British- they're cute, but not throw-up-in-your-mouth cute like American ones. Also, I just love British humour, all quirky and deadpan. Stops things from becoming too nauseating. I like how the movie's not just about romantic love between attractive young people though. There are stories about fathers and sons, brothers and sisters, rock stars and managers...even this one guy who goes to America with the sole purpose of hooking up with random American chicks because English girls don't 'get' him. This is my favourite scene, involving Hugh Grant as the Prime Minister.
2.Shortbus-I'm not really quite sure how to explain this's similar to Love Actually, but set in New York and considerably more sexual. It's not the slightest bit pornographic or gratuitous though, it's fascinating because of the way it shows dysfunctional relationships. The trailer is here if you're interested.
3.Amelie- I love random quirky French movies, I guess. This one in particular because Amelie reminds me a lot of me, and just the way the movie portrayed the world, with everything being slightly surreal, like the pictures talking to each other and the gnome travelling all around the's sort of childlike but in a good way. Not sure if this is the official trailer or not, but it's still quite good.
4.Little Miss Sunshine- Okay, when I get old I seriously want to be the grandpa in this movie- giving kids inappropriate- yet-useful advice that they'd never hear from their parents, and just being awesome in general. It's so dysfunctional, but they all help each other out and really, they probably work a lot better as a family than ones that pretend they're normal. The dance scene at the end is just priceless, though.
5. Moulin Rouge- " The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return." I've always been fascinated by the whole bohemian-writer-in-Paris in the early 20th century thing. This movie is also what inspired me to try absinthe...with somewhat disastrous results. Visually, it's just incredible, and it's all so over-the-top and tragic and romantic and funny at the same time. The remix of 'Come What May' and the video for it is so pretty, so that shall be my link for this movie.
6. The Nightmare Before Christmas- I love anything by Tim Burton, really, but decided to restrict myself to two of his movies for the purpose of this Top 10 list. This movie is just too cute, in the most awesome possible way.The animation is amazing, too- especially in the opening song. I wish David Jones would put a Nightmare Before Christmas nativity scene in one of its windows, just for one year...even if it would traumatise many little kids. 
7. Lolita- The 1997 version directed by Adrian Lyne, with Jeremy Irons as Humbert, who is absolutely perfect for the role, in my opinion. Although the Kubrick version made in the sixties captured the spirit of the book a lot better (twisted, black humour that tends to go over your head the first time you watch it), this movie had actors that were closer to how I pictured the characters in my head and didn't have to worry about the censorship laws like Kubrick did in the 60s.
8. Edward Scissorhands-  Johnny Depp is completely genius in this movie. Even if Winona Ryder as a bubbly cheerleader took some getting used to, they really are adorable together, especially in this scene. It's like a fairytale, but more like the original versions of Cinderella and Snow White with all the attempted murder and chopping off of body parts, as opposed to the super-cute sanitised versions we get told as kids.
9.Robin Hood: Men in Tights- This movie is absolutely hilarious. I don't think I've ever laughed so hard during one movie. Especially love quoting random lines from the movie and getting strange looks from people. Some of my favourites are...' A toll is a toll, and a roll is a roll, and if we don't get no tolls, then we don't eat no rolls' and ' A chastity belt? That's going to chafe my willy!'... just a few of many classic lines. Not to mention the song! Feel free to watch this link then burst out into song in a public place and get weird looks from people.
10. The Lion King-  Really,Disney movies deserve their own separate list on here, because I have so many that I love. This is probably my favourite, though. I've seen the musical twice and I've been able to quote the movie word for word since I was about six. The characters and the people doing their voices are brilliant (particularly Rowan Atkinson as Zazu and Jeremy Irons as Scar...British people rock!) and the scene when Mufasa dies still makes me a bit teary sometimes. However, so as not to be depressing, I decided to link you to the tremendously funny hula scene.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Week 3-Censorship for Film should be Reconsidered

There are a few countries have put the censorship of internet into process. The Australian Government, however, has announced that they decide to join the group. The censorship aims to protect citizens, especially children and teens away from questionable plots. However, people from another group in the society disagree. They doubt the censorship will be harmful for arts. Some of the artist sort of believe that art should push the  boundaries. Thus the debate is increasing. Each side persists in its own views. In my opinion, it is not a duty or a "only job" for arts to push the boundaries. Arts presents the truth of human nature--both beautiful and ugly sides, as well as expectation. Okay, overall, art is a presentation of human. However, it has the leading power meanwhile. 
People persist in their own views. One side of people strongly argues that the censorship is not necessary because it infringes citizens’ rights of freedom. People argue that censorship infringes the right of freedom speech of citizens. According to an organization called Derechos–human rights (2009), the freedom of speech, which is also known as the freedom of expression, means the freedom to express one’s discontent with the status quo and the desire to change it. Therefore, it is a fundamental rights and human dignity which individual enjoys in the existence of democracy. Based on this supporting definition, people argue that the internet censorship blocks the freedom of speech while it blocks the so-called questionable content. Currently, censorship is not only in arts, but also many other areas such as the internet and the publication. China, one of the few countries which have already put censorship into process has been sometimes beyond the mark. Therefore, as there are lessons drawn from other’s mistakes, it is reasonable for people to worry about these problems, that, will the censorship permeate more and more, then finally full of every aspect of people's life. By censorship, the government could control people's ideas.  “It could, potentially, even censor political material. And that’s where I have a problem” (Riley 2008)Although there are plenty of doubts, there are still many people, including me, believes that censorship is worth to be put into process and again, based on human nature which is impossible to be changed, anywhere should not be lack of limit.  
A few countries have put censorship into process and Australian Government joins this group. In the increasing debate, both sides’ doubt and worriment is reasonable. However, compare the significance of gain and loss between protection and rights of freedom, the impact of the questioned content to people should be put in first place to consider. 

Week 2- Petrelli on Drama

Hi Everyone, In this week's topic, I'm going to talk about the movie genre which is drama. and give some examples to support this article. and also, i would like to analysis that why i like it and what is the culture impact of this genre in those movies. 

The genre of drama is mostly depends on the realistic characters dealing with emotional themes such as racial prejudice, crime, drug addiction and alcoholism. We must to know that all genres can include dramatic elements which means the genre of a movie can be not only drama but also mixed, for example, The Godfather(1972) which is belong to the genre of Crime Drama. There is another movie called Forrest Gump(1994) which is a Drama Comedy. In those movies, the elements of drama is not the mainly issue which are focusing in the movie. otherwise, it makes the movie more interesting especially for those people who interested in different genres.  

The first movie i would like to talk about is Crash (2004) which won three Oscars for Best Picture, Best Original Screenplay and Best Editing of 2005 at the 78th Academy Awards. It is a movie about the relationships in different class of people in the society and how they are all relate to each other in one story line. when i first saw this movie, i thought those people has no connection with each others but after few more times focusing on the story i finally catch it. in this movie, it talks about the issues such as Class, Racism, culture shock and religion. it is such a phenomenon movie which touch the audience so deeply in a way that the audience had a connection with. 

i do believe that chick flicks create unrealistic expectations of man. because the answer is simple that the man which created in those movies are unrealistic, most of them are not related to the real world it just like a hallucination in their mind. 

Firstly, i would like to say that action movies are different from violent movies. in my theory, those are two different type of movies. Action movies are actors jumping out from a speeding car or somebody trying to catch up a flight or something. but on the other hand, the violent movies are the audience amazed by those things such as blood and dead body. 

Ok, that's all for today, i hope you like it and share your opinions with me, thank you.

Week 2 -Film Genre

gWell, I do believe that movie is an important element in my life because I always watch movie in my spare time and every movies is different and unique. I do like some action and dramas movies because of its special effect and its characters.

One of the action movies that has become my favorites so far is mission impossible. This movie is starring by famous Hollywood actor Tom Cruise. I think this movie is the best action movie I have ever watched, because this movie has a lot of incredible effects and the characters in this movie is outstanding than any other action movies. I always entertaining with action movies. However this kind of movie also has some disadvantages, because there are a lot of violences in this sort of movies, and I think it will affect people's behaviour when they watch action movies because they can be rude because of watching action movies.

On the
other hand, movies such as The proposal and Legally Blonde has been the most popular comedy dramas movies in the cinema. Both of this movies are entertaining and funny. Especially Legally Blonde movies. This movies has a big cultural impact because they created the story about chicks flicks in the contemporary media which create unrealistic expectations of men. However, this movie is really inspired many people with the message given by the end of this movie.

Good message from this movie that “don’t judge the book from its cover” convey the moral message from this movie that people’s perspective about blonde girl that they are dumb is not always true and do not judge people by their appearance only .

In addition, every movies has strong characters, unique story and special elements. I do believes that each movies has a cultural impact in the society whether it is bring a positive or negative impact.

Week 2-Romantic Films Do Not Suit Reality

Personally, I, and I believe many others love the romantic films but based on the reality. However, as we can see in the marked, most of them are not. The romance films are mostly welcomed by females. Nearly everyone who loves to watch these kinds of films and dreams to have such a nice, perfect and prince-like boyfriend, who wishes to do everything for her, even includes sacrifices his life. However, based on the human nature, we have to accept the truth very unfortunately, that THERE ARE NONE.

So, are the films liars? It is a kind of misleading which let more and more people live in the imagination.

Based on Anita’s idea in the previous passage, the Vampire film Twilight and its second section New Moon are examples. I have to say that I went to watch the New Moon and I did not get it. Firstly, the film actually did not give a good script about the plot. It emphases some details which are not really necessary. Jacob, for example, takes of his shirts to wipe Bella’s blood on her head. He stands up suddenly and it seems like the purpose of this plot is to show how many muscles he has on his stomach. Most of audiences in the cinema laughed; the similar example is Edward. He is gloomy and depressed about his life. So that I want to ask: are those the factors to make a good film? Well, I believe one of the main reasons to make this film so popular is the actors and actresses are hunks and beauties.

Secondly, the film is sending questionable idea. I agree with Anita. I doubt that is Edward, who is with deep depressive ideologies, the right and the perfect guy that girls need to look for? I guess, the reason that makes the figure be welcomed is only because of his great and 100% love for Bella. However, this obviously should not be the only or main reason of a girl to be with the guy. Well, this is a mirror of the sad truth that it is hardly to find such a guy in really life. The individualism and selfish in human nature hardly allow people to do so. 

Other films such as the Notebook and PS I Love You have the similar effect to direct females into a kind of romance imagination. To be honest, they are impressive. However, audiences are touched by the unrealistic stories. 

Please check the link which is the ANSWERS from a part of the public about why women love romantic films 

After so many unrealistic, misleading but incredible romantic films, it is easy to find out the stereotypes. A man, who is charming, prince-like and persuaded by nearly all of the females in the suburb, does a presentation to show how much he loves a girl; however, the girl does not like him and always be away from him. Okay, this is unique. Or, the man can do every thing for the girl and even sacrifice life. Or, he will chase the girl in the rain and cry painfully in the rain. Or, when the girl gets married, he will be unexpected but attends to the wedding. Or, like The Notebook, he will wait for her in the rest years of his life, and then they will meet at then end of life and close their eyes forever together. 

Therefore, the influence of the romantic film is big mainly for women. By watching them, women create a high expectation of looking for perfect men to be boyfriends and husbands. It’s time to realise that imagination is imagination. We are living in reality. So that, which means, in my opinion, although films are art productions, they should be logical.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Week 3-Censorship and Scary French Movies

A few weeks ago, in one of my other classes, we watched this French movie called Baise-moi. It was incredibly graphic, sexually explicit and violent and we all walked out of class completely traumatised by the film. But you know what? I still think it's wrong that this film was refused classification in Australia.
Yes, there was sex and violence and guns and blood and even a rape scene at the beginning, but absolutely none of this was gratuitous or intended to be the slightest bit erotic. The film needed the rape scene to show exactly what drove the girls to go on their killing spree, how they felt like they desperately needed revenge on a society that marginalised and oppressed them. I actually thought it was a really powerful feminist statement-showing people exactly how women are treated by some misogynistic guys without cutting corners or sugar-coating it. We just watched it and went back to our lives, but for so many women, this is their reality. I'm not saying all guys are misogynists/rapists like the ones in the movie, but honestly, if guys watched this movie and saw rape through a woman's eyes, they would think twice about the way they treat women.
The film was shown in America with only, like, two seconds cut out. It was shown in America, the country that created purity rings, televangelism and The Jonas Brothers, for crying out loud. The only reason it got banned in Australia is because we have all these retarded, extremely right-wing politicians like Fred Nile and Steve Fielding who have heaps of influence in the Senate.
I get the whole classification thing, even if I don't always agree with the classifications that movies get. Like, an M rating for Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban was a tad excessive. Obviously if kids are reading the books they're picturing similar stuff to what's actually being shown on the screen...although having said that, Harry Potter fans have usually grown up with the books- like, I was 10 when I first started reading Harry Potter, but I was 17 when the last book came out. But unless a movie actively promotes questionable ideologies 
( like rape or murder or whatever) it shouldn't be banned and people should have a choice about what they can and cannot see. If Baise-moi glorified the rapists, then yes, I would support the ban. But it doesn't advocate any of the crimes that take place- I didn't feel the need to go out and murder somebody after watching it. Quite the contrary actually, I was horrified and had my eyes shut for most of the movie.

Week 2-Why Are Tortured Heroes Always Named Edward?

So New Moon just came out in Australia a couple of weeks ago,and I appear to be the only teenage girl in the world not dying to see it. I read Twilight years ago when it first came out, and honestly? It's got nothing on Harry Potter.  Personally, I thought Bella was an annoying, pathetic little whinger who needed a good slap or two, and Edward was a brooding, Byronic cliche with all the personality and character depth of a ham sandwich (Seriously, what is it with tortured anti-heroes being named Edward? Cullen,Rochester,Scissorhands…strange, because it apparently has roots in an Old English word that means ‘happy’).

I've got to admit,though, Robert Pattinson is ridiculously good-looking and I can kind of see why everyone's in love with him. But really, what is it with vampire movies?  I get that they're hot and all, but what makes girls look at Edward and Bella's relationship and wish they were Bella?

I clearly seem to be missing something here. If I remember correctly, Edward STALKS Bella in the first movie. He stands outside her window and watches her sleep.  I think he also refers to her as his ‘heroin’ at some point (As in the drug, not a misspelling of ‘heroine’). He’s also controlling, possessive and tries to control who she sees and what she does. I don’t know about you, but when I think about what I want in a guy, ‘obsessive stalker’, ‘ uses cliched love-is-a-drug metaphors’  and ‘treats me like a child’ are not the first qualities that come to mind.

And don’t even get me started on Bella. She’s whiny, incapable of doing anything  herself and she completely loses it when Edward leaves her. I haven’t read/seen New Moon, but apparently she actually contemplates suicide at one point. And when Edward thinks she’s dead, so does he. Romeo and Juliet rip-off much? At least Juliet was kind of sensible and had something that resembled a backbone. Bella’s just a wimp. She doesn’t seem to be capable of having a life without Edward.

I just don’t get how girls could watch these movies and not realise how messed up Edward and Bella’s relationship is. Why would you want someone who doesn’t have a life outside of your relationship, who goes all depressed and suicidal when you’re not there, who gives up their ambitions to marry you and have a potentially deadly monster-child?

Vampire movies aren't all this lame, though. I know it's not a movie exactly, but True Blood is completely awesome. Apparently Interview with the Vampire was good- never actually seen it, but I have a friend who's obsessed with it. I liked Van Helsing, though. This site has a list of vampire movies that I actually really want to watch- at the moment my knowledge of vampires comes from Twilight, True Blood, Dracula ( the book- you know, those old-school things that came before movies?) and the Mel Brooks movie Dracula:Dead and Loving It, which, by the way, is hilarious.As is this movie: 


I don't think the whole vampire thing's bad, it's just girls seem to be getting a bit confused and actually wishing they had these bloodsucking, pigment-challenged demons as boyfriends.


Of course having said all this, I'd still go see New Moon with my Twi-hard friends purely to laugh at it and watch Taylor Lautner disrobe gratuitously at any given opportunity.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Week 1-Grace's Introduction

Hi everyone,

My name is Grace..I'm 17 years old and now, I'm studying diploma of communication 3rd semester at Insearch. Well, actually I am so addicted with movies because I always watch movie in my spare time and I really enjoy it. Mostly, I like romance and comedy movie such as Legally Blonde and the proposal. Both of this romance comedy movie has become the first box office in their period. I really inspired by the story of Legally Blonde and The Proposal, because it is funny and there is important lesson we can get from both of this movies.

Beside, I also a huge fans of fantasy movies. Harry Potter is the best fantasy movie I have ever watched . I love the special effects and the unique characters from this movie. This movie is really cool and entertaining . Other movie such as Batman begins and star wars has different styles and tastes from Harry Potter, however I still considered both of this movies as one of the best fantasy movies in the history. 

On the other hand, I don't really like horror movie because I found it is boring and not logics. I watched orphan and new horror movie, paranormal activity in the cinema and I think the content of the story from both of this movies is not important and it is just make people freaking scary and screaming all the times .

So that's all my personal opinion about movies . I hope you enjoy this blog and do not hesitate to put any comment in this blog, because that will be great for us to receive any comments to develop our blog ;)

Week 1- Petrelli's Introduction

Hello everyone.
I'm Petrelli. Welcome to our blog. Our group members are Susan, Anita, Grace and me. In our blog, we are going to present informations about different types of movies. And also including the culture influence and different genre of the movies.

In movie theory, there are different understanding of movie genres. such as Action, Drama, Comedy, War, Sci-fi and Documantray.
Personally, i like drama movies such as Crash which is a fantastic example. in this movie, it tell us a story about different groups of people from up-class to the working-class. The film received generally positive reviews with the review tallying website reporting that 145 out of 192 reviews they tallied were positive for a score of 75% and a certification of fresh, while metacritic tallied an average score of 69 out of 100 for Cresh's critical consensus. talking about the horror movies, it is not what i interested in. i don't like horror movies because the sound and the atmosphere.

so, thank you very much and hope you enjoy our blog and give us your idea about different genres of movie. thank you.

Week 1-Introduction #2 ^0^

Hello Everyone! I'm Susan (undertheglory), one of the members of the Film Rants team. Well, I am quite interested in films. I believe that film is an important element in both people's life and in the discussions of some issues in the world and our society. Film makes people think and face to the problems which we always want to run away from. Some poignant films are good examples. The film Crash faces to the racism. The film talks about how people from different races and culture struggle in the multi-culture society. Pursuit for Happiness presents how much a man in the society have to undertake for life. The films are like mirrors of people, life, societies and the world. They shine.

I like fantasy, romantic and some of the historical films. Personally, I like P.S. I Love You and I am really touched by it. The Lord of the Rings is so sublime. Compare with Harry Potter, it has a much greater style. The characters undertake their responsibilities to the countries, families and their people. The specially good effect is just GREAT. Other films such as Seven Pounds, Schindler's List and In the Mood for Love, they give audience different aesthetics feelings during emotional (painful, happy or sacrifice) plots. All of the productions include wonderful music effects.
Please click the links and get some information about these film on their official websites. Enjoy!

Personally, I don't like horro movies. Some of my friends love it so much, but I just don't understand it >_<..... Well...I believe that ghosts are always around people and sometimes some strange things happened. However, why do people direct these films? Is it just for scaring each other? Compare with other kinds of films which are more contributory, I personally think that horro films may are not that necessary.

Okay, those are my basic introduction about my personal opinion and taste about films. Please feel free to post your opinion. It will be great!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Week 1: Introduction

Hey everyone!
Welcome to our blog. Susan, Petrelli, Grace and me (Anita) have decided to do our class blog on films- this means reviews,as well as our opinions on various issues relating to the film industry such as censorship and the cultural impacts of certain genres, and the occasional Top 10 list where we share with you some of our favourite films.

Firstly, a few words about me. My name's Anita, I'm 19, studying Communications and I want to be a journalist when I leave uni because I love to write.
I don't really have a particular genre of films that I like- I enjoy comedy as long as it's actually funny and (somewhat) intelligent, e.g. Little Miss Sunshine, Juno or even Robin Hood:Men in Tights. I love fantasy, in particular the Harry Potter movies, Stardust and anything by Tim Burton. Also love indie movies/ random quirky French movies like Shortbus and Amelie. And of course, I do enjoy the occasional chick flick, as long as it's original and not nauseatingly sentimental *coughNotebookcough* Sorry if I'm betraying my gender here.
I don't usually do too well with horror movies- well, more the gory ones than the psychological ones. I was fine while everyone was freaking out around me when I watched The Ring, but had my head in my sleeping bag for the majority of Saw. And action movies generally bore me unless they contain particularly attractive male leads.

So that's all from me for this week- if you want, you can comment on any posts you find interesting (once everybody else posts theirs, that is) and listen to our podcast (once it's up, anyway-at this stage, we haven't recorded anything yet. Such dedicated students...).